Our camp is peanut free all summer due to a few severe peanut allergies among our campers. If your child eats anything with peanuts or peanut butter in the morning before camp, please be sure his/her hands are washed with soap before coming to camp. If your child has a severe food allergy or food restrictions, please let us know before camp starts. 

Parents of children with food allergies will have an opportunity to look through the camp snacks and lunch menus to verify what their child/ren can and cannot eat.


Every summer we have an orientation for Main Camp and CIT's and their parents before the first day of camp. This year the open house will be: DATE AND TIME COMING SOON!  This is an opportunity for your child to get acquainted with their camp, as well as, meet their counselors. This is the only orientation we will have, so all Main Camp and CIT's are welcome, regardless of which weeks they will be attending. At the open house all families will receive their child's camp t-shirt and car magnets that are needed for carpool.

Main and Camp and CIT's families should bring to Open House:

  • If your child has any allergies, please be sure to discuss it with his/her counselor at orientation.
  • Please bring your child's *Epi Pen or any medication (in original packaging) that your child will need during camp. 
  • ANY Medication your child will be taking at camp must be in the original packaging, have a parental permission form on file and be kept in the office.
  • Please bring filled out waivers for trips. They were sent in the mail with the calendar and can be found on the website, as well.


  • Camp begins every morning at 9:00 am and ends at 3:30 pm.
  • Morning carpool is from 8:50 – 9:10 am 
  • Afternoon pickup begins at 3:15 pm and ends at 3:30 pm (please stay in your car and we will bring your child/ren to you.)
  • Families with children in Main and Kiddie camp: Pick up is 3:15-3:30.

Main and CIT Campers who arrive after 9:15 am: please park and walk in with your child in through the left side of the building. Ring the office bell and you and your child will be buzzed in and directed where to go. The front doors of the building are locked during camp hours. If you arrive during the day, please park on the left side of the building and ring the office bell.


Before Care and After Care are available by the week only, for an additional fee. Before Care begins 8:00 am. After Care is from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm.

We ask that parents pull up to the front entrance and text the staff member on duty, who will bring your child/ren out to you.


1. Send in with your child a bag or backpack with your child's full name written on the outside, containing a bathing suit, towel, sunscreen, and water shoes. PLEASE label everything with your child’s complete name.

2. Please apply sunscreen before camp and we will re-apply as necessary.

3. Send a refillable water bottle daily; please have your child's full name on it.

3. On Field Trip Days, please dress you child in their camp t-shirt and closed toe sneakers.


We would love to celebrate your child’s birthday at camp. Please contact us at least week in advance and let us know which day you would like the celebration to be. We will get back to you with the best time, as well as the number of children in your child’s group/cabin. We ask that you order your child’s cake/cupcake from Kroger Kosher Bakery on Hammond Drive. Make sure it is from the Kosher BakeryThe number is 404-256-3434


If your child is sick or on vacation and unable to come to camp, please call the camp office at 770-565-4412 or email [email protected] to let us know. Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds or make up days during another week.